About Vet Surgery
If your animal is scheduled for procedures under general anesthesia we ask that you keep the following in mind to ensure their readiness.
Remove Food
Remove food by 6:00pm the night before their scheduled procedure.
My animal is sick?
Consider rescheduling if your animal is not feeling well.
Your pet may have an incision(s) that consists of sutures or staples that will require special care. They will not be able to be groomed, bathed or swim for 10 days after surgery. They may have to wear an E-collar to avoid licking or chewing at incision site. Suture removal is 12-14 days post-op and staple removal is at 10 days post-op.
Payment in full is expected at the time of service unless you make arrangements with the business office prior to the day of the procedure.
Water Access
Continue to allow access to water to prevent dehydration.
Early Dropoff
Be available to drop them off the morning of the procedure between 7:30 am – 8:30 am.
Your pet will be awake when released between the hours of 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm (clinic closing time), however, your pet may still be a little wobbly on their feet and need to go home to a quiet, safe environment.
Nausea or vomiting can be a side effect of anesthesia so feeding right away is discouraged. Half of their normal dinner can be given at normal feeding time, but if vomiting occurs remove food until the next day. If they tolerate the initial feeding wait an hour and feed the second portion.

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501 E. Riding Club Rd. Cheyenne, WY 82009 US

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(307) 634-7255